
Education for the less priviledge

Send a child to school

Education is a vital way to end poverty in the world. Yet low and medium-income countries suffer from the debilitating effects of a flawed education system. The post effects of the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted education globally, affecting 1.6 billion students [UNICEF].

In addition, we have noticed gender disparities prevalent in low-income countries worldwide. Statistics reveal that 129 million girls are out of school. Compassionate Mommies facilitates the accessibility of quality education, irrespective of gender or race. Our programs are tailored to provide sustainable solutions to children facing academic roadblocks.

Our holistic approach provides:
● A supportive learning environment.
● Leadership and life skills.
● Quality state-in-art facilities that promote seamless learning.
We put poor and vulnerable children at the centre of our programs. Furthermore, we liaise with the Ministry of Education and school staff to improve the learning system. This ensures the quality of education administered and develops a competent learning system.

Help Vulnerable People Today

Over 5 million people in low and middle-income nations die every year because of poor health care systems. The effects are seen in the significant spike in morbidity rates across national and global levels.

We recognise these factors and actively strengthen the health care systems in low and medium-income countries. However, we show our support by addressing the root causes of poor health care in these nations. We build internal and external capacity by developing strategies that help communities prevent, detect, and respond rapidly to public health emergencies.

By adopting a community-centric approach, we identify and support effective health workers. This will foster the accessibility of quality and equitable healthcare to poor and vulnerable people across nations.

We achieve this by:
● Hosting several health campaigns in communities where they are most needed.
● Covering hospital bills when the need arises.
● Providing free transportation to medical centres.
● Promoting home-based medical attention that encourages people to stay healthy.
● Offering free, nutritious food to improve health.

Help Compassionate Mommies fight Poverty

In 2020, over 200 million people globally required humanitarian assistance. Post effects of the Covid-19 pandemic compounded the current crises in the world. For instance, the number of countries experiencing crises grew from 31 to 34 in 2020. People living in extreme poverty are most affected by these shocks. In addition, the heightened vulnerability of people in these areas makes it harder for them to recover or overcome these crises.

We can only say humanitarian assistance is required now than ever before. In response, Compassionate Mommies is actively implementing measures to help poor and vulnerable people recover from the crises. By crowdfunding, we cover the needs of people in poor communities. These needs spawn from providing clothing, proper sheltering, and quality social amenities. We plan to go long term and reach many people across the world.

Furthermore, we believe educating and empowering people will eliminate the roots of crises. Compassionate mommies take active measures to strengthen local communities to respond to these crises themselves.

Feed Someone Today

Hunger remains one of the most devastating causes of poor health in the world today. If we fold our hands, 1.4 billion people will starve in 2050. There is a global spike in food prices, especially in sub-Saharan Africa. Over 118 million people have suffered from the debilitating effects of hunger.

These numbers are soaring every year. Compassionate Mommies spearhead several campaigns to reduce the effects of food insecurity in poor communities. One of our major projects is providing a Monthly Food Bank. Through this initiative, we offer high-quality meals to poor and vulnerable people. We are also actively researching sustainable strategies to foster improved nutritional practices.